Atif Hussain


Atif HUssain


As an advocator of Open Source Software and Web 2.0 in education, I have often been invited to speak at educational conferences across Egypt, England, Singapore, Zambia and Qatar at times participating as the key-note speaker. I have also conducted seminars and workshops. Please visit my Speakers Page.

Atif Hussain

Learning Designer

I create innovative and engaging training sessions and offer e-learning, instructional design and Micro-learning solutions under the name of EduQuest. You may visit the website here at

Atif HUssain

Technology Solutions

I am the founder and Director of ICTToolBox, a tech consultancy company that offers advice to schools and small businesses on how to build a meaningful relationship with technology. You may visit the website here at

Atif Hussain


I regularly write about IT in education & have published some of my articles. I am the founder of the ICT ToolBox & the technology editor for the Moments magazine. I am also a regular contributor to Maadi Messenger magazine, have a column at Dialogue Online and a contributor at International Education. Here is a link to some of the published articles.

Educator & Leader Made By Dyslexia

Atif Hussain

Experienced Director of IT | Made By Dyslexia | Learning Designer | Consultant | Author